Recruitment agency in Europe

The recruitment agency for work in Europe, Group Working, is engaged in the selection of vacancies in the EU for candidates of different skill levels. Legal work in Europe becomes available to everyone thanks to Group Working.

More about us

Our benefits

Our company stands out in the European job market due to its advantages:

Wide range of employers

We collaborate with over 200 verified companies in the European Union, increasing candidates' chances of employment in various industries. This provides candidates with more options for choosing positions and workplaces.

Vacancies for everyone

We offer a wide range of job opportunities for both beginners and experienced professionals. Group Working expands access to the job market for individuals with different levels of qualifications.

Assistance with visa acquisition

We provide comprehensive support in visa matters, making the migration process easier and more accessible, facilitating relocation abroad.

Accounting and legal support

These services ensure legal security and financial stability for clients. We assist in dealing with any issues and problems that may arise during the employment process.

Protection of interests

We support clients in resolving conflicts and provide legal assistance in disputed situations. We also protect the rights of candidates, necessary for ensuring fair working conditions.

These advantages make collaboration with our agency, Group Working, effective for those seeking employment in Europe. We provide maximum support and protection at all stages.

Location of workplaces

We offer vacancies in countries with developed economies, which guarantees the stability of your future

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Collaboration process



You fill out the form



We analyze your data and create a resume



We select a vacancy based on your request



We recommend you to the employer



We prepare all the necessary document package



You start working

Submit application

Our Services

Our agency offers a wide range of services for those who aspire to work in Europe and have their own business:

Document Preparation

We take care of the process of preparing and obtaining all the necessary documents for work and settlement in Europe. We assist in obtaining registration at the place of residence and obtaining insurance in accordance with local laws.

Medical Certificate Processing

A medical certificate may be useful for waiters, healthcare workers, doctors, educators, teachers. The presence of a certificate confirms the health status of the hired worker.

Software Development

For partners, we provide website and application development services for iOS and Android. Our developers guarantee the functionality and stability of the software.

Obtaining PESEL Identification Number

The assignment of the PESEL code allows access to various services. It is used in passports and ID cards. We facilitate the process of obtaining PESEL. This process takes from 1 to 14 business days.

Job Search

We offer individual consultations with our experts. They help in finding employment in European countries. When selecting vacancies, we focus on professional goals and preferences of clients. Then we select job positions that match your experience and ambitions.

Opening a Bank Account in Poland

Having a credit or debit card will facilitate the process of paying bills and receiving salaries. Another advantage will be the ability to transfer money from the account to Ukraine.

Our agency, Group Working, offers a full range of services for those willing to work and develop their business in Europe.

Values of Group Working

The values of our agency determine its activities and relationships with clients. The main qualities in the work are:


The team consists of experienced professionals. They have knowledge and experience in the field of employment abroad. We are ready to provide clients with the best job options and qualified consultations.

Honesty and Transparency

At Group Working, we always adhere to a policy of trust. We provide clients with full information about all aspects of work abroad, including requirements and conditions.


We take responsibility for each client and guarantee support at all stages of employment.

Information Quality

We regularly update our job vacancies database. This allows us to provide clients with the most relevant and reliable information. Those who cooperate with us are always up to date with the latest trends and opportunities in the job market.

Client Orientation

We do everything possible to provide a quality service that meets the needs and expectations of our clients.

These values ​​determine our effectiveness in the field of employment abroad.

Zymohliad Valentyn

Director of LLC 'Group Working'

"The values ​​of the company are its moral compass, what we value in work and people. They shape our culture and help attract like-minded people."


Will I get a job in Europe legally?

Yes, when cooperating with our company, Group Working, applicants can legally find employment abroad. We handle all necessary procedures, including document preparation and processing, obtaining a tax number, and medical certificate. We also assist in preparing for interviews abroad. This is the key to legal employment. We provide consultations to applicants and help them find job vacancies in Europe that match their skills and preferences.

What do I need to work in Europe?

To work legally abroad, an applicant needs to meet a number of requirements and go through certain procedures. They depend on their place of residence and the country where they plan to work. Citizens of Ukraine need to obtain a work visa and a work permit. To do this, they need to undergo an interview and prepare a set of documents. These include: a visa application form; a valid passport; photos; a certificate of no criminal record; an employment contract with an employer in the EU; proof of qualification (if required by the employer); medical insurance. After gathering all the documents and successfully passing the interview, the applicant needs to apply for a work visa. To simplify this process, it is advisable to contact our agency, Group Working. The company's employees are familiar with all the rules and requirements of foreign employers necessary for obtaining a work visa for foreign citizens.

Can I work in Europe if I don't know the language?

Yes, it is possible to find job vacancies abroad without knowing the local language. Each country has many international companies and enterprises where interviews are conducted in English. Moreover, you can find employment without knowing the language in fields where employees do not need to communicate with clients or interact frequently with the employer. These can be seasonal vacancies, work in production, logistics centers, or warehouses. Often, such foreign employers look for applicants through employment agencies, such as Group Working. In their job postings, they indicate that language skills are not mandatory. The main thing is to be prepared for physical work and meet other job requirements.

Where is the best place to work in Europe for the first time?

If you want to start a career abroad, pay attention to countries like the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium. Job searching in these countries is suitable for those who value good working conditions. Belgium, in turn, offers the best opportunities in the fields of production, agriculture, and information technology. It attracts foreign citizens with its economic development and affordable cost of living. To choose a country for future work, we recommend contacting our agency, Group Working. We specialize in employing residents of Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Belarus, and other countries abroad, offering a wide range of job vacancies. We help select a position and also arrange an employment contract and other necessary documents for work. We assist clients in writing resumes and preparing for interviews.

What should I do if I don't like the job?

If you didn't enjoy working abroad, you should find out the reasons for this. Try to discuss the problems with management; perhaps there is a solution. At the same time, develop your professional skills and explore new areas that may open up other career opportunities for you. If the situation does not improve, start looking for work in Europe with the help of our agency. We match clients with vacancies based on their education and specialization.