Privacy Policy

1. General Information

1.1. Before using this resource, please review the Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy). This Policy sets forth your rights and obligations when using the Website. The Policy is an important part of the Terms of Use - Agreement. If you disagree with any provision or are not satisfied with the Policy as a whole, we recommend discontinuing the use of this resource.

1.2. The terms and definitions provided in this document are explained in Section 1. These terms are valid unless otherwise specified by the Policy.

1.3. The purpose of this document is to inform Users about the conditions of collection, analysis, and use of personal data provided on the website.

1.4. Providing your phone number and registering a personal account indicates the User's consent to the transmission and further storage of information. Additionally, other data collected during the use of the resource may be used.

1.5. The processing of personal information includes the following steps: collection, accumulation, modification, updating, and deletion. These actions are taken to ensure the Website's functionality.

1.6. The resource reserves the right to make changes to the Policy or any part of it. The Website undertakes to publish the latest versions of the document, as well as specific provisions. The time of changes will be indicated in the 'Change Date' section. The resource informs Users of the updated version of the Policy through: notifications in the personal profile, phone messages, or email. By agreeing to use the Website after changes have been made, the User automatically accepts the provisions described as part of the Policy.

2. Information collected and processed by the website

2.1. The Website processes only the information that the User voluntarily provides. This information includes:

  • Data required for registration and provision of services on the Website, such as a mobile phone number. If the User agrees to receive informational messages and offers from Employers, then also an email address, contact number registered in the Telegram, WhatsApp, or Viber messengers.
  • Information necessary to start using the Website, such as name and surname, date of birth, mobile phone number, citizenship, education, specialty, skills and work experience in a specific field, place of residence (country and city). Additionally, the User may provide other information, such as biometric passport and visa details, email address, information about previous work experience, experience working abroad, desired employment date, possession of a driver's license (categories), knowledge of foreign languages (type and level), availability of qualification certificates.
  • Personal photograph and resume in video format.
  • User accounts on social networks.

2.2. The Website also analyzes and processes information that is collected automatically. This information includes:

  • Information permitted by law concerning equipment or Internet connection when using the Website: IP address, device location, account data, browser version, operating system, browsing history of web addresses, job vacancy viewing history on the Website, number of responses from Employers, duration of visits to specific pages, loading or viewing errors of web pages.
  • Interactions with web pages or phone numbers used to contact the User Support service. This information is analyzed using cookies.
  • Statistical data: systematic information from User accounts for researching the registration database, developing the Website, and for advertising purposes. This information may be published in general form without disclosing personal User information and concerns statistical data.

3. Use of personal information

3.1. The Website uses the User's personal data exclusively for the following purposes:

  • Provision of services, in accordance with the Terms of Use of the Website, for registered individuals.
  • Evaluation, analysis, and modernization of the service operation.
  • Ensuring effective Website management.
  • Identifying and fixing functional deficiencies of the Website.
  • Additionally, the resource uses the data to inform Users and potential clients about service updates, the introduction of new services, and other announcements.

4. Disclosure and Distribution of Personal Information

4.1. The Website does not distribute the personal information of registered Users, except in cases where the User has given consent or in accordance with the terms of this Policy.

4.2. Certain third parties may be granted access to specific personal information as part of the Website's functionality. This may include:

  • Employers who post job advertisements on the Website regarding vacancies and possible cooperation with users outside the Website.
  • Partner websites with which the Website has a cooperation agreement, including sharing information about the Website and its services (in particular, for advertising purposes, market analysis, etc.). Representatives' access to personal information is limited to the scope necessary to perform their tasks within the Website and in accordance with the terms of the agreement between the Website and Employers or other partners. The Website is not responsible for the protection or storage of personal information disclosed by Users outside the Website. The Website has no control over the actions of Users outside its resource.

4.3. The Website complies with current legislation. According to this provision, personal information may be disclosed without prior notice to the owner in a number of situations:

  • For the purpose of preventing and detecting fraud.
  • Responding to complaints from other Users.
  • Users using the Website for illegal or improper purposes.
  • At the request of a court or government authorities to conduct an investigation. The Website considers these actions legal, and personal information will only be disclosed to the extent necessary for the investigation.

5. Protection of Personal Information and User Data Retention Period

5.1. The Website ensures the storage, processing, and use of Users' Personal Data in accordance with the Law of Ukraine 'On Personal Data Protection'.

5.2. The Website undertakes to take all necessary measures for the storage, processing, and use of personal information in accordance with other legislative acts.

5.3. The standard retention period for Personal Data is determined in consideration of the conditions set out in paragraph 3.1 of this Policy. At the same time, the retention period should be no less than 10 years. Personal data is subject to immediate destruction after the expiration of the retention period or in accordance with the requirements of current legislation and the conditions of this Policy.

6. Contact Information and Responsible Administrator

6.1. The person responsible for processing the User's Personal Data is the Website administrator.

6.2. In case of questions, suggestions, or requests regarding personal information, the User can contact the administrator via email